LCD 1602A Datasheet

LCD 1602A
LCD 1602A is a Industrial Standard Display. It comes in different color variants.

The Display has 2 lines with 16 characters in each line (16 * 2).

The Input accepted by this display is ASCII Format.

This LCD is compactable with all kinds of Micro-controllers like 8051, ARM etc and can also interfaced with Arduino, Raspberry Pi etc.  

Total 16 pins are provided to the display. In these 8 pins are data pins through which we provide data to be displayed or commands to the LCD like clear display and many more.

Pin Description: 

Pin 1 (VSS) :  This pin is connected to the GND.    

Pin 2 (VCC) : This pin is connected to the +5V.

Pin 3 (VEE) :  This pin controls the contrast of the display. It is connected to potentiometer (10K pot).The Potentiometer is varied to adjust the contrast of the LCD. In the absence of  Potentiometer for a little satisfactory contrast, this pin can be connected to GND through 1K resistor or to +5V through 10K resistor.

Pin 4 (RS) :    This pin is given either 1 or 0. The 0 value puts the LCD in Command mode, while value 1 puts the LCD in data mode.

Pin 5 (RW) :   This pin is also given values 0 or 1. Value 0 puts the LCD in write mode while value 1 puts the LCD in read mode. 

Pin 6 (E) :       This pin is used to provide clock pulse to the LCD Display.   

Pin 7-14 (D0 - D7) : Thought this pin the data to be printed on the screen is sent. also commands to the LCD is sent through this pin.

Pin 15 (LED +) : To this pin a +5V should be given to light up the background.

Pin 16 (LED -) : This pin is connected to GND.

There are three memories in LCD to manipulate display characters:

1. CGROM - Character generating ROM which is responsible for stored standard character pattern.

2. CGRAM - Character generating RAM which hols custom character pattern space (total 8 in 2*16 module).

3. DDRAM - data display RAM which stores ASCII codes. 

Timing diagram:

Interfacing Details of this Display is available in another page. Stay Tuned.
