Simple AC to DC Converter Circuit (230V AC to 12V/9V/5V) using IC/Diodes: Beginner Level / Intermediate Level.

Components required:

1)1N4007 Diode: 
It is 1Amp Diode which has Stable Output 50V Max. For converting from AC to DC all we need is a bridge rectifier circuit. A bridge rectifier circuit is made of 4 diodes. We can using a Bridge Rectifier IC instead of diode circuit. This IC is a 4-pin package which has Diode Circuit inside.

2) Step-Down Transformer.
Normally the voltage from the power socket is 220V. This high voltage 220V is Stepped-Down with Step-Down Transformer to 12V or 9V or 5V ...etc. A Step- down transformer of 230V - 12/9/5V is required. 

3)L7805 Voltage Regulator IC
The Voltage Regulator (7805 for 5V, 7809 for 9V, 7812 for 12V..etc). It has 3 pins. The first pin is the input pin. Second pin is the Ground pin. And the third pin is the output pin.
An additional capacitors circuit is required to have a stable output which will be discussed

4) Capacitors 220uF & 0.1uF:
For the Input and Output to be stable ie Eliminating AC Components, Capacitors are connected in parallel which can be seen in the Schematic Below.

5) VeroBoard:

VeroBoard is used to Connect Components. It is a kind of PCB which we solder ourselves.

6) Terminal Block: 
It is used to Connect wires from outside the circuit board, like Connecting the wire from 220V AC Socket to Circuit Input.

Now for the connections part, Here is the Schematic Part:

Connect the stepped down voltage side of the transformer ( can be identified on the transformer ) to the Diode Circuit. Diode circuit can be made as from the Schematic. Do these connections on the VeroBoard. The positive and negative side can be identified on the Diode Circuit from the Schematic.
And the remaining connections as followed.
Arrange on the VeroBoard and try to understand the connections from the Schematic.

Once Arranged, Solder the connections as shown. Follow Schematic and understand the connections.

After the connections,

Finally, 5V at the Output.

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